Six months ago, May 25, 2018 to be exact the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in the European Union – but its implementation happened with a "whimper" rather than a "bang",...
The first industry report of its kind, the Global Maritime Issues Monitor 2018 takes a global look at the major issues that are likely to impact the global maritime industry over the next 10...
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 7, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- NetDiligence®, a leading provider of cyber risk readiness and response services, announced today it has published its eighth annual Cyber...
"The U.S. maritime industry is not prepared for future cyber-attacks," maritime law firm Jones Walker LLP has warned in a new survey and report released October 23.
The report comes a year after...
In recent months, Beazley Breach Response (BBR) Services has seen the number of reported ransomware incidents climb again. The varieties of ransomware and the differing technical abilities of...
Recently, the French Data Protection Authority (the “CNIL”) published a statistical review of personal data breaches during the first four months of the EU General Data Protection Regulation’s...
On Tuesday, 25 September Facebook was dealt its most massive security breach that sent shockwaves worldwide. 50 million of its users’ accounts had been left compromised, including that of its CEO...
It is worrying to see the shipping news talk about cyber attacks and failed defences, especially when the industry has had several 'wake-up calls'. But once the media stops reporting on cybersecurity...
Recently, a team of breakers at ethical hacking firm Pen Test Partners proved there are several ways to break into a ship's navigation system and potentially cause a major incident. So, after all the...
Innovation Driving Digital Transformation and Preparing for GDPR Baker McKenzie is pleased to provide you with complimentary access to the 2018 edition of our Global Privacy and Information...
This manual is packed with actionable info that you need to prevent infections, and what to do when you are hit with ransomware. You will also receive a Ransomware Attack Response...
CEO fraud has ruined the careers of many executives and loyal employees. Don’t be one of them.
CEO fraud has victimized more than 22,000 organizations and is responsible for over $3...
Although cyber risk premiums have expanded sizeably in recent years and loss ratios compared favourably relative to other product lines, sustainable growth of the cyber insurance market...
There is a very large untapped market for selling cyber insurance to small businesses. How can brokers best approach small business owners to offer them cyber coverage?
A recent 2018 study of...
Today, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published its report "Understanding Cyber Insurance - A Structured Dialogue with Insurance Companies" (EIOPA Understanding...
Cyber insurance has huge potential but the cyber insurance market remains frustratingly immature and is not keeping pace with threats and technology. Whereas many businesses have property insurance,...
The International Monetary Fund--or IMF--says average annual potential losses from cyber-attacks could be close to 9% of banks’ net income globally, or around $100B. In a severe scenario...
Specialist insurance provider behind BIBA’s cyber insurance scheme, CFC, will be launching its new BIBA Cyber Guide at BIBA 2018.
While one of the most talked about topics in business insurance,...
Cyber risk often touches companies in unexpected ways. In May 2017, an engineering firm learned this when it lost access every last piece of data it held. This included all of the firm’s technical...
It’s no wonder when you bring two massive technology shifts together experts in each area rush to weigh in at the intersection.
Akshay Sharma, Principal Analyst for the boutique advisory firm...